Sunday, October 30, 2005

Adult halloween fun!

On October 29th we attended Hallowonka at the Parker house out in Temecula. Adam and I went as Glenda the good witch and the Tin Man. The Rodriguez's went as the Wicked Witch of the West and the Lion and the Trent's went as Dorothy and the Scarecrow. Jason and Kelly (in the picture with us) went as Hugh Hefner and a Playboy Bunny. We had a wonderful time at the party and it was so nice to have some adult time with our friends! Now the question is, what will we dress up as for next year's party??

Friday, October 28, 2005


It still amazes me how much of a little boy Alec has turned into. It seems like just yesterday that he was as small as Aaron and was so needy. He is still needy of course, just in a different way now...mostly attention! :)

Alec's imagination has just exploded lately! I was watching Emeril the other day and he was cooking with mushrooms. Alec saw them on the tv, ran over to the tv and pretended to pick one off and eat it. I of course laughed and he loved the reaction so he has been doing it ever since any time food is on the tv.

Last night Alec was sitting on the floor by his toys and I was on the couch feeding Aaron. Alec looked down at the ground, pretended to pick something up, and brought the object over to me. When he got to me he put out his hand and said, "I picked you a flower Mommy!" I just about died!! It was SO sweet!! I of course "took" the flower, pretended to smell it and put it behind my ear. He thought this was SO funny and continued to bring me "flowers" all night long.

It is times like this that make me remember how lucky I am to have my boys and what a blessing they are in my life.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Happy Halloween!!

Yesterday, October 25th was not only my 30th birthday, but also our Halloween party at Alec's preschool class. I made Alec a Peter Pan costume and Aaron a Bear costume. Alec of course did not want to put the costume on at first but by the end of the morning he did not want to take it off. Adam and I went to the Grand Californian from Sunday to Monday to celebrate our 5th anniversary and when we were at Disneyland we got Alec a official Peter Pan hat to go with his costume. Alec did not want to wear it at first because he thought that the feather was a spider (?) but as soon as he got used to the hat he would not take it off his head.

Alec has been a total crack up to live with lately. He comes up with new phrases almost daily that make Adam and I just laugh hysterically. Some recent ones are, "No thanks, I'm just fine.","I can't believe you!", "Please can I have that? I asked nicely!!" and "Momma, you are foxy!" Thank you Adam for that last one. He has also become very interested into proclaming who is a boy or a girl based on whether or not they have boy genetalia. Again, thank you Adam.

Yesterday was also Aaron's 2 month birthday. He is such a joy in our lives and it is very strange to think that he has only been with us for two months...seems like forever! He is doing about the same as far as sleeping through the night. I have moved him permanately to his crib instead of the bassanette in our room. He seems to be quite comfortable there as I can put him down to bed fully awake and he will put himself to sleep with just a bit of fussyness. Aaron is smiling more and more now and also is starting to coo. I love sitting there and having conversations with him. At his two month appointment today Aaron weighed 11 lbs 5 oz and was 23 1/2 inches long. He also recieved his first shots which he did NOT like!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Aaron at 6 weeks

Aaron is 6 weeks old!!

I can't believe that it has been 6 weeks already! Aaron is starting to smile (as shown in the picture) and is showing more and more personality each day. He continues to do very well with his feedings and is gaining weight like crazy. I LOVE his chubby arms and legs. Every once in a while he will sleep for about 5 to 6 hours a night, but not every night.

Alec has been an incredible big brother and enjoys "helping" me change Aaron's diaper by handing me wipes and soothing Aaron when he is crying by patting his head and saying, "It's OK Aaron Michael!" He even takes his favorite toys over to Aaron and puts them in his lap to "share" them with him. I really could not ever have imagined what a good big brother Alec would turn out to be. I can't wait till Aaron is old enough to play with Alec!

I am actually doing better than I thought with two kids. I really thought it would be harder than it is. It is amazing what a different perspective you have the second time around. Yes, it is still hard to get up in the middle of the night for numerous feedings, but this time I have the knowledge that before I know it this part of Aaron's life will end and he will be sleeping through the night. I am really cherishing each moment I have with this little guy since I know how fast the time goes.

Allie and Jason's wedding

On October 8th, 2005 Allison and Jason tied the knot!!

I was a bridesmaid, Adam a usher, and Alec and Aaron were ring bearers in the Carson-Young wedding. The day started out as a little overcast, but soon the sun came through and shined on the day! Alec was carried down the aisle by Daddy and Aaron was pulled in a red wagon by the flower girl, Tatum. We all had a wonderful time at the reception and Alec especially enjoyed running around, playing with the other kids, and dancing dancing dancing!!! We are so happy to have Jason as part of our family!