I did this on Facebook and thought I would post it here as well...
1. I am a terrible house keeper. I could be a good one if I wanted to, but I hate doing it. Even when I became a stay at home mom and major budget cuts came into our household, worked Gloria (our house cleaner) into the budget.
2. When my kids get older I would like to get into a nursing program and become a labor and delivery nurse.
3. I am a tap dancer…although I hesitate saying that since I have not attended a class since I was pregnant with Aaron. I really want to get back into it but I have not found the right studio yet.
4. My favorite time of year is the fall thru Christmas. I don’t like New Years…mostly because it brings on a sense of change and I don’t like change.
5. The only kind of change I am really in favor of is in regards to decorating. I could redecorate my house every couple of years if given the financial opportunity.
6. Adam and I would like to build our own house one day. We want a lot of land with a beautiful custom craftsman style house with enough room for not only an office and workshop for Adam, but a craft/sewing room for me AND lots of rooms for grandkids to come and stay.
7. I wish that I would have lived somewhere else before I got married. Don’t get me wrong, my parents were wonderful to live with, they are seriously the best parents in the world, but I wish I would have experienced a bit more of the country before being tied down to a mortgage, job, kids, etc. I think that New York City would have been a great place to live for a few years.
8. My best friend Carrie moved down to San Diego when she got married 8 years ago and I miss her incredibly!! We don’t get to see each other or talk as much as we like, but the connection of our friendship will never be broken! I secretly wish that she and Brian and Kasey would move back up here. Ok, maybe it is not such a secret…
9. I am a serious volunteer addict. I have a physical problem that as soon as someone asks for a favor or says that they need help doing something, my hand sticks right up in the air. It is almost an uncontrollable action, although I have been better about controlling it lately.
10. I have the absolute BEST family in the entire world. My Dad is a superstrong man who can make anything and will always be there with big open arms when his girls come crying to him (and we do still). My Mom is a SUPERWOMAN who will do anything for you and then when she is done she will apologize for not being able to doing more. My older sister Amy is seriously the smartest person I have ever met in my life. She is the girl I call on when I need to talk thru something and need a fresh perspective. She tells me what I need to hear, not just what I want to hear, but in a very loving way. My little sister Allison has the biggest heart of anyone I know. She would give you the shirt off her back, even though it is a designer original that she got for a rock bottom price. When I cry, I call these people. When I have wonderful news, I call these people. When I need a laugh, I call these people. I could not live life without these people.
11. I think that my kids are the smartest, most beautiful, talented, funny kids in the entire world…but then again, what Mom does not think that about their kids?
12. I am constantly amazed at my husband. He goes to work and kicks ass all day long. He will work day and night in order to provide for his family and allow me to stay home and us to send our kids to Catholic school. He has the strongest work ethic of anyone I have ever met. When he is done with work he comes home and has tireless energy with the kids. I feel so blessed that I have found him in life. He challenges me to be a better person thru his words and example. I love him with all of my heart.
13. I am not a photogenic person. Out of 20 photographs taken of me, usually 1 will come out ok. I would rather make a funny face in a photo to make it look bad from the beginning then to try and take a good one.
14. I suppose this one goes along with #13 but I am very critical of myself. I pick myself apart in pictures as well as the mirror and I also lay in bed almost every night and run thru conversations I had with people in my head and freak out about what I said and if it offended or hurt someone or made me sound stupid.
15. One of my favorite things to do is to bake. If I could bake something every day then I would.
16. I love sweets and baked goods. If I did bake every day then I would eat every day and I would be 300 pounds.
17. I hate, with a passion, cream cheese. I hate it on bagels. I hate it in dips. I hate it in desserts. I hate it in cheesecake. This has saved me MANY calories over the years.
18. I thought for years that I was allergic to cats. Adam has a cat and when we first got married my eyes itched for 6 months to the point where I rubbed them raw. I dealt with the cat but always kept my distance because of my “allergies” Last year I got tested for allergies. Guess what? Yeah, not allergic to cats.
19. I feel like rearranging the furniture in my office right now. I might just do that when I am done.
20. Don’t tell me I can’t do something. That will make me do it.
21. I have belonged to an online mom’s board for the past 6 years. The ladies on it are amazing and I consider them close friends although I have never met most of them. I was lucky enough to meet about 10 of them last year and it was both surreal and wonderful!
22. I am freakishly good at sports, even when I first play something. I am not great, but I can usually hold my own.
23. My Catholic faith is one of the most important things to me in my life. It guides me, provides comfort and promise, and makes my life complete. I wish that I was better at evangelization to share my passion of my faith to others. It is something that I pray about every day.
24. I hate to scrapbook!! I tried and have completed a few, but this last summer finally came to the realization that I just don’t like to do it. In an attempt to keep some memories down for the future I have an online blog. I don’t always update it as often as I would like, but I try. If you would like access to it then let me know and I will send you an invite, as the blog is set as private. The address is
www.hawleyfamilyca.blogspot.com25. I am a serious procrastinator. That is why it took me this long to make this list even though so many of you tagged me ages ago.