Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Picking out our Christmas tree!

Since Adam was going to be out on training for a good amount of days in December we decided to get our tree a little early. We went to Home Depot in Savi to search for our tree. We actually found our tree pretty quickly...good thing because it was a little chilly outside!! Alec was running around the lot like crazy and had a great time! It is fun to think that he may remember this Christmas some day. It makes doing things like this even more fun!

The Hawley Family!! A very nice person at the tree lot offered to take our picture for us.

Alec thought it was just the best thing to push his brother around in the cart!

Aaron had fun that night snuggling in his carseat.

After we got our tree we went up to Ho Toys and picked up some Chinese food for dinner (one of Alec's favorite foods). We got home, ate dinner, and got the kids to bed. Adam and I put up the tree and got the lights on. We saved decorating it till the next day when Alec could help us.

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