Monday, May 15, 2006


Thanks to Aunt Allie, one of Alec's favorite hair styles is a mohawk. Outside of Allie's birthday and a few other rare occasions, I can usually just do it this way in the tub, show it to Alec in the mirror, and satisfy Alec's mohawk craving. Let's hope this does not carry onto his teen years!!

Alec and Aaron's favorite past time together, watching Thomas. I think that this is the one Thomas item that Alec does not mind sharing. I guess it would be pretty hard for him to make Aaron NOT watch his show. I am sure if Alec could figure out a way to do that then he would!!

This picture pretty much sums up Aaron's personality to a "T". Adorable little boy, smiling pretty much all the time, but always getting into something!! This time it was only the cabinet of books but it has also been our CD's, our Videos, other book cases, etc. The really cute thing is that once he finishes emptying everything out of whatever cabinet he is working on, he crawls inside of it and hangs out. Too cute!


Anonymous said...

As always, I enjoy taking my break at work with the Hawley boys. Thanks for the great blog.....

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Aaron stuffing love of socks in his mouth could in any way be related to his mother's love for dirt clods when she was his age. Hmmmmm.......

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Aaron's love of stuffing socks in his mouth could in any way be related to his mother's love for dirt clods when she was his age. Hmmmmm.......