Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Third time around...

It is interesting going through this pregnancy for the third time around. Not that I would ever expect pregnancy to be boring but I suppose I thought there would be a sense of, "I have done this two other times already, how exciting can it be?" Pretty darn exciting actually! We had our first ultrasound at 13 weeks and my heart just melted all over again when I saw that little heart beating along with arms and legs moving around. Absolutely NO sense of been there, done that.

We had our "big" ultrasound this last Friday before Adam left for his training up in Sacramento. We of course wanted to make sure that all the important parts of the body were working properly but we were also looking forward to hopefully finding out the sex. The ultrasound is usually done at 20 weeks but because Adam would be out of town for almost 3 weeks we decided to do it early. Thankfully everything showed up as being healthy with the baby but unfortunately they could not tell the sex yet. The ultrasound tech said that according to her measurements the baby was about 17 weeks 4 days instead of 18 weeks 2 days. That means that my due date has now been pushed back to October 1st! I guess 4 days does not seem like a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but it sure sounds like a lot right now!

The boys have been so wonderful with me and this pregnancy. Aaron is vaguely aware of what is going on. He will come up to me, lift up my shirt, and say, "Baby!" So cute!! THEN he will lift up his own shirt, pat his own tummy and say, "Baby!" Still cute, but not quite accurate! :) Alec is the one that is SO much fun to watch this time around. For the first few months he was convinced that we were having a girl but the last few weeks he has changed to a boy. It will be interesting to see what we get! Alec loves coming over, putting his hand on my tummy and saying that they baby moved and that the baby is giving him hugs and kisses. I love seeing him get so excited about it. I just hope the enthusiasm stays as high when the baby is actually here!!

I am starting to pop out much more and actually look pregnant instead of that weird in-between stage where non one is quite sure. Despite a little heartburn things are feeling really good and hopefully it will stay that way. Adam gets back into town on the 17th of May so I have scheduled a outside ultrasound for Friday the 18th at 9:00 a.m. I will be 21 weeks at that point so there should not be any issue determining if it is a Ashley or Anderson...we hope. I will keep you updated!


Anonymous said...

Great to see updates on the page!

It's funny, although I went though the whole Papa experience with you, it was still hard to read about his bypass. I see you wrote that it was 98% blocked...I thought it was only 95%! Wow!

Love you, little sis!


Anonymous said...

Great! - Thanks for all the news. Even though I get most of it first hand and sometimes second hand (Thanks Grammie) it is still fun to read about one of my favorite families! Keep up the good work - what a wonderful living tribute you are giving your loved ones...Love you!