Tuesday, November 06, 2007

My Air-Bear

It seems that I always do a kids post and include all the kids in together, but I never seem to do individual posts, especially for my poor neglected middle child Aaron. I thought that I would dedicate one entire post to him today because we had a wonderful day together.

Being a middle child myself I understand how hard it is sometimes to just exist. You are not the oldest with all the responsibility, yet you are not the baby of the family either. My mom always did a wonderful job making sure that I had my own special place and because of her diligence I think I managed to avoid many of the typical middle child characteristics that you so often hear of. My mom always used to tell me that I was the cream in her cookie. I love that. :)

Aaron is such a cool little kid and is growing up right before my very eyes. He does not talk as much as Alec did at his age, but he does not need to since Alec NEVER stops talking. Lately his words have become much more clear and he is starting to put longer sentences together. Some of my favorites are, "Hiking boots please mama" pronounced "hike boos pees mama" and "I love you baby Ashley", pronounced "I yaya beebee A-lee." So stinking cute!!

Aaron is still filling the position in the family as the shrimp, but he is catching up a little bit. The hiking boots that he loves to wear so much are boots that Alec wore with his Halloween costume when he was 1 year old, and now at 2 years old Aaron is just now fitting into them. At his 2 year check up he finally made it up to the 50th percentile for height but was still stuck at the 5th percentile for weight. I asked Dr. Marino what we could to do help him gain weight and he replied, "feed him a hamburger!!" Wow, I need that medicine prescribed to me!! Actually, I would love to do just that for him, but he won't eat it. Aaron is incredibly picky (I have no idea where he gets that from) and he has a small selection of foods that he will consume. Adam and I constantly have the choice of whether we should make him responsible and if he does not eat what the family is eating then let him go to bed hungry, or to make something separate for him just so that he will get something in his stomach. I swore I would never be one of those parents who made a million different meals for their kids, but I can see how it happens. I think we have found a good balance and try to incorporate at least one of his favorite foods on his plate each night.

As I mentioned before, Aaron is such a little sweetheart. He is SO good with his little sister and absolutely loves petting her head and giving her kisses. With Alec in school three mornings a week I have been able to give some more individual attention to Aaron. We are in Miss Heidi's class this fall and Aaron has grown in leaps and bounds even since this summer. Unlike his older brother in the same class, Aaron LOVES sitting in my lap and listening to the stories and singing songs. He is actually one of the only kids in the class that sings out loud to the songs and it is so cute. His favorite song in class to sing is Three Little Monkeys and his favorite activity is the parachute.

Since we are telling all, there is of course the hot headed side of our little Aaron Michael. Aaron has quite the temper and will show it in a flash if he does not get what he wants. This of course rears it's ugly head the most around Alec. If Aaron has a problem with the way that Alec is playing or if Alec won't share with him then Aaron will just start screaming and hitting Alec with all of his might. It is one thing when it happens at home with his brother, but it is quite embarrassing when it happens in Miss Heidi's class or at the park with other children. The one good thing is that he is very good at taking his consequence and sitting his time in the penalty box. He is such a smart kid but he just needs to learn how to control that temper of his!

When I think of my little Air-bear my heart just swells with love. He holds such a special place in my heart and I can't wait to see what life has in store for him (my money is on him becoming a cop.) I LOVE that he is the cream in MY cookie!

What a smile!!

Aaron in action!

Mommy and her Air-bear.


Giselle said...

I love love love the "cream in my cookie thing". Can I steal it for Lily?

Michelle said...

The cream in my cookie is so neat! How cooL!

Jeannie said...

Loved the great profile. on Aaron. He can be very sweet.

Anonymous said...

So cute!!!

Anonymous said...

You're still the cream in my cookie! Love you Honey.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that he is the cream in MY cookie

you said cream of my cookie... LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!