Tuesday, October 21, 2008

We love you Pop-pop!

Aaron and Pop-pop in July 2007

Sad news in the Hawley house. Adam's paternal Granfather, Edward Hawley, passed away this morning. Pop-pop was 90 years old and lived a very blessed life. He was a very spiritual man and his dedication to his Catholic faith was an inspiration to all. Up until just a few years ago Pop-pop could be found on the basketball court with his grandson Brian and son Dan shooting some hoops. He could also be found during the week at St. Francis volunteering as an Alter Server at daily masses and funerals. He dearly loved his wife of 60 years, Audrey, as well as his sons Steve (my father in law) and Dan and their wives Jeannie (my mother in law) and Mary. Throughout their childhood Dan and Mary's sons Chris and Brian were lucky enough to have Pop-pop as part of their daily lives. Nana and Pop-pop lived pretty close by in New Jersey and were able to spend much time with them.
Although Adam was out in California he had a very special relationship with Pop-pop as well. Adam always enjoyed spending vacations back in New York with all is family. Adam and his father were able to go to New York just this last August and celebrate Pop-pop's 90th birthday with him. I know that they treasured every moment they had with him on that trip.
Pop-pop absolutely googled over his Great-grandchildren, Alec, Aaron and Ashley. The last time we were all out was in July of 2007. Alec and Aaron were running around like crazy kids and Nana and Pop-pop were enjoying every moment of it. Pop-pop's eyes just lit up when whenever he saw them. I was pregnant with Ashley at the time so technically she was able to meet him as well. :)
My grandfathers passed away when I was younger so Pop-pop really took on the roll of grandfather with me. Although I did not get to see him as often as we would wish, the time we did spend together was incredibly meaningful to me. Pop-pop was always complimenting me on what a sweet girl I was and how glad he was that Adam and I found eachother. I thank the Lord every day that He gave me Adam in my life and that Adam came with such a loving family that I could count as my own.
We will miss you Pop-pop!

Adam and Pop-pop in 1978


Jen said...

Such sad news. It sounds like Pop-pop had a very blessed life.

Michelle said...

So sorry to hear about Pop-Pop. May he rest in peace and may your many memories bring you peace and comfort. Take care girlie.

Jeannie said...

Thanks so much Manda for such a beautiful tribute to Pop pop. You so eloquently captured his true essence and we are so glad you had the chance to get to know him so well.
Love You,

Joanne said...

What a sweet post about Pop-Pop. I hope you had a nice trip to NY, full of fond memories.